

i want
- my few months old phone to be repaired

- a dslr cam

- a (few) trip(s) to the beach or somewhere cold

- a better (sports) car
- to have the motivation to study

- to be able to do what guys can do, not think of anything, blank out mind
- something to distract me from crappy stuffs

i wan't to be happy.

i don't want
- to retake my pre-u
- to repeat all the sad moments i had
- death to exist in this world
- to be fat

i don't want to cry.

i'm unsure of
- going to nz
- whether i like to be one of the boys
- whether i should take this risk

i'm unsure of myself and what i want

i think that
- karma exists

- guys will always be guys
- percentage for a guy to change for a girl is 1%

- guys should stop insulting girls (driving, mentality, etc)

i think that guys can't live without girls, and girls can't live without guys

i'm glad about what i have,
i appreciate people around me alot
but i'm not satisfied.

i need more